9.7 On Fire for the Gospel (CD Discontinued)
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What makes a man burn with excitement about the gospel of God in Jesus Christ? This series, taken primarily from the book of Romans, reveals why the great apostle Paul was on fire for the gospel. It is my hope and prayer that as you listen, the Holy Spirit will fan the flames of gospel truth in your heart and fill you with a renewed vision for being a man of God on fire for the gospel.
Topics Include:
- What Sets a Man on Fire?
- How Does a Man Burn for God?
- What Has the Gospel Changed - Part 1 and 2
- The Gospel Applied to Relationships
- The Doxology of the Gospel
- What Do You Do in Troubled Times?
- The Gospel in a Sentence
- Thirsting for Jesus
What Sets a Man on Fire?
The gospel of Jesus Christ is something to be on fire about.The Apostle Paul's transition from doctrine to practical application (Romans 12:1) provides powerful insight into what makes a man of God conduct himself in a way worthy of the gospel. You'll learn why and how to live the Christian life for God's glory.
How Does a Man Burn for God?
In Romans 12:2, Paul continued to provide insight into how to live the Christian life and burn for the glory of God. How does a man live for the glory of God in his body? What does he discover when he presents his body to the Lord as his servant? Listen and be encouraged!
What Has the Gospel Changed? - Part 1
A man on fire for the gospel knows truth that a man who is ignorant of the gospel doesn't know. His view of time, history, and life in this world is vastly different from the man of the world. In Romans 13:11-14 you'll be encouraged by these foundational truths upon which gospel-loving men live.
What Has the Gospel Changed? - Part 2
The nature and future of a man who has believed the gospel of God in Jesus Christ has changed dramatically! Before, he didn't believe there was any essential difference in people, but now he's a new man in Christ. Previously, he seldom considered the future, but now he thinks eternally! How does this affect the way you burn for Christ?
The Gospel Applied to Relationships
How easily people stumble and get offended over the weaknesses and sins of others! The Apostle Paul and some of the Corinthians had a breech in their relationship. From 2 Corinthians we learn Paul's remedy to the situation–apply the gospel not only to yourself, but to others!
The Doxology of the Gospel
O, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God in our salvation. Those with hearts for God will want to sound forth the great "Amen" to the doxology of the gospel presented by the Apostle Paul in Romans 11:33-36.
What Do You Do in Troubled Times?
John 14 tells us that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us to dwell when trouble surrounds us. In this message, learn the key to walking in the peace of Christ during troubled times.
The Gospel in a Sentence
Perhaps there's no simpler gospel appeal than that found in John 7:37-39. Four words carry the gospel message simply and profoundly. It's a message any father can give repeatedly to his family. Come, listen, and drink from God's Word.
Thirsting for Jesus
What does it mean to be thirsty and to drink of Jesus Christ? What do you seek in life? God's Word in the book of John helps us understand "drinking" practically when we consider what we have been told to seek.
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