The Spirit and Presence of Christ

The Spirit and Presence of Christ

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There are some books that once read are put on the shelf and forgotten. "The Spirit and Presence of Christ" is not one of them! Everyday since reading "The Spirit and Presence of Christ" we think about being filled with the Holy Spirit. Also, we're daily reminded of our need to be clean before the Lord in order to be filled. After a few weeks since reading for the first time, we still find ourselves meditating on what we read. We're both on our second time through! Employing personal testimonies, sound biblical exegesis, and moving testimonies of the work of the Holy Spirit in people's lives, Jerry White makes a powerful appeal to his readers to not be content with busy, powerless, abnormal American Christianity. Rather, readers are encouraged and instructed to be filled with the Holy Spirit, who is the presence of Jesus Christ in their lives.

One of the outstanding characteristics of "The Spirit and Presence of Christ" lies in its invitation and simple instruction in how to seek and experience a vibrant relationship with Jesus through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Readers may discover how the Spirit comes in fullness, how to receive the fullness of God's Spirit, and how to walk continuously in the fullness of the Spirit by keeping in step with Him. Our hearts were lifted and captured by the chapter on exceptional fillings of the Holy Spirit in people's lives. God has given His Spirit to those who have been thirsty, repentant, abandoned, and trusting, His promise of the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit is for everyone, not just the early church and ministers. The chapters on Jesus' presence and power manifested by the Holy Spirit call believers to examine if they are content to live busy lives without the fullness promised by our Lord.

With the evangelical church in America struggling to keep its head above water in the tidal wave of materialism, busyness, and technology, "The Spirit and Presence of Christ" provides a timely, powerful, invitation to the soul to cry out to Jesus. He has promised to never leave us, to come live inside us, and manifest His presence through us in the person and power of the Holy Spirit. We think the author has practically, effectively, and passionately pointed the way for what many thirsty souls have been searching: Fullness of life in a relationship with the Holy Spirit who reveals the living Jesus Christ. This is a book you'll want to read more than once and put into the hands of those who are seeking to know Jesus Christ and experience all He desires for them. - Norm Wakefield

A review by Charles Fuller: Without the waste of wordiness, yet with terse tenderness, Jerry White charts two journeys in his book; his journey and the Biblical journey with a singular destination: the fullness of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The integrity, the humility, and the humanity with which he writes are disarming. This author, with the accumilating years of reading what others have written, and what God has written in His Book, now writes with the wealth of authenticity. For those with a hunger for the Spirit in fullness, and for those who need to learn of such hunger, this book is what the academic world calls, "required reading". Thank you, Spirit of God, for blowing fresh wind across the pen of Jerry White. - Charles G. Fuller