8. Walking Worthy Series for Men
8. Walking Worthy Series for Men
8. Walking Worthy Series for Men
8. Walking Worthy Series for Men
8. Walking Worthy Series for Men
8. Walking Worthy Series for Men

8. Walking Worthy Series for Men

Regular price R 373.00 Sale

Walking worthy of your calling as a son of God has tremendous challenges and rewards. To the degree that a man is faithful to his callings as a husband, father, and member of the body of Christ, as well as his responsibility to be a provider for his family, he walks worthy of the Lord Jesus Christ. This series is composed of five volumes, each one containing at least eight weeks of lessons and practical exercises for growth in a man's relationship with God and his family:

Walking Worthy As a Son of God
Walking Worthy As a Husband
Walking Worthy As a Father
Walking Worthy As a Provider
Walking Worthy As a Member of the Body of Christ

Each lesson has suggestions for personal application as well as direction for small group interaction. Men need each other, and as they share what they have learned individually through the lessons and exercises, they encourage one another to grow and walk worthy of Jesus Christ.

Please contact us if you would like to take a small group or a Sunday School class through this series; we would be glad to offer extended discounts for those purchasing multiple sets (discounts available for purchases over 5 sets).

You can preview the first lesson of all five books below:

Walking Worthy As a Son 
Walking Worthy As a Husband 
Walking Worthy As a Father 
Walking Worthy As a Provider 
Walking Worthy As a Member of the Body of Christ 

The Walking Worthy series is also available in ebook format for the Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble Nook, or Amazon Kindle.