9.8 Looking Up (CD Discontinued)
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This series of messages from 1 Peter will build your faith and love for Jesus Christ and give you vision for handling tough times. Norm guides you through the life-changing experiences Peter had with Jesus and how they impacted his writing of his first epistle.
What do you do when times get tough? It's easy to get intoxicated with difficult circumstances and forget to look up to Jesus Christ, our living hope. This series of messages from 1 Peter will build your faith and love for Jesus Christ and give you vision for handling tough times. Norm guides you through the life-changing experiences Peter had with Jesus and how they impacted his writing of his first epistle. You can have those same encounters with Jesus Christ, who lives to reveal Himself to those who look up and fix their hope completely on Him.
Looking Up: Faith at Work
Dr. D. Martin Lloyd Jones wrote, "When we are surrounded by people who believe nothing, the danger is to believe a little and imagine that to believe a little is to be wonderful and to believe everything." Discover the primary evidence of true saving faith that comes from a living hope.
The Power of Revelation
Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter based on one powerful truth: Revelation from God?s Spirit produces invincible faith. Jesus builds His church on this rock-revelation by the power of God. You'll learn how important it is to look up and fix your hope completely on the grace to come in a revelation of Jesus Christ.
Faith Must Be Tested
When God calls us into a relationship with Jesus Christ, we are called into a life of testing and purification of faith. Why is this necessary? Peter answered this question with five powerful reasons for faith's refining fire. Without knowing God's purposes one can become easily disillusioned, discouraged, and overwhelmed. When things get tough, believers look up to Christ.
Faith That Endures Glorifies God
When you're in the middle of a faith test, a pressing question is: How long? Men of faith glorify God when they are tested because of their relationship with Jesus as the Lord of Life. A man with a mature faith has learned the secrets of enduring faith for the glory of God.
Holy Faith
Is there hope for a man to overcome the lusts of the flesh? According to Peter there is a living hope that the power of God can set a man free. You'll be encouraged by the power of a holy faith. It's a mindset and way of life of which those who struggle in the flesh are ignorant. Looking up is holiness!